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How can I start measuring my company’s Brand Power Score?
In partnership with SurveyMonkey, we created a template for the Forerunner Brand Power Score survey. Companies with a SurveyMonkey account can access the template and send to customers or general population respondents.
How much does the Brand Power Score cost to implement?
You can send the Brand Power score survey to your customer base for free with your SurveyMonkey account subscription or you can purchase customer and non-customer respondents through a general population survey. The cost will vary based on the scale of your business — brands that have many customers and high awareness will have a lower cost per response than customers with fewer customers and lower awareness.
How did you select the first 100 brands for the research testing?
We took an objective and expansive approach to selecting the 100 brands we evaluated in our research analysis. We started with existing top brand lists to include the most referenced brands. We then edited to capture diversity across categories and business models and added to that timely brands, enthusiast brands, and emerging brands founded in the past decade. In all cases, we ensured that there were clusters of brands that could be reasonably compared to one another.
How did you administer the survey?
Each respondent was asked their familiarity with up to six brands and whether they had purchased from or used the brand's products or services in the last 12 months. Respondents were then asked six questions — one for each dimension of FRIEND — only if they were at least familiar with the brand. Response options included strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree.
The FORERUNNER and FRIEND marks are property of Forerunner Ventures Management, LLC. All other trademarks, product names and company names or logos used on this website are the property of their respective owners.